The following directions have been prescribed by a licensed medical provider for the individual named above, may not be redistributed, and are not to be used by any other person for any reason.
If there is already active opioid in the body, taking a first dose of buprenorphine (Suboxone) will rapidly suppress the effects of that opioid and cause sudden severe withdrawal. As long as there is no, or extremely little, active opioid in the body, taking a first dose of buprenorphine (Suboxone) will instead relieve withdrawal; this is the intended effect.
We can safely say there is no, or extremely little, active opioid in your body when you are feeling moderate withdrawal. It can take anywhere from 12 to 72 hours to develop moderate withdrawal after your last opioid use, and this varies based on your own metabolism, tolerance, and the type of opioid you have been using most recently. The type of opioid you’ve been using most recently determines the MINIMUM initial wait time your provider will recommend, as per the chart below. Your own personal metabolism and tolerance are less predictable, so AFTER the MINIMUM wait time passes, we ask you to begin a series a self-assessments (the SOWS scale) to determine when it is truly the right, safest time for you to begin buprenorphine (Suboxone).
The minimum wait time is based on the longest-acting opioid you have used in the past 4 days. The following table shows minimum wait times based on the type of opioid:
Then Wait AT LEAST 12 Hours since your last opioid
Then Wait AT LEAST 24 Hours since your last opioid
Methadone (Methadose)
Then Wait AT LEAST 36 Hours since your last opioid
*ALMOST ALL STREET-PURCHASED OPIOIDS CONTAIN FENTANYL, or are entirely fentanyl, even though they are often sold as oxycodone, hydromorphone, heroin, blues, M30s, OxyContin, MS Contin, or under other names. ALWAYS ASSUME THAT YOUR OPIOID SUPPLY IS FENTANYL unless you’ve verified that it comes directly from a pharmacy or pharmaceutical manufacturer.
Then Wait AT LEAST 48-72 Hours since your last opioid