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4 Benefits of Telehealth-Based Opioid Addiction Treatment

Telehealth-based opioid addiction treatment has significantly reduced barriers to quality care by offering accessible and convenient options for those seeking help. Through remote consultations and appointments, patients can receive prescriptions for medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) like Suboxone and support from addiction specialists without geographical, transportation, or scheduling limitations.

Consequently, telehealth-based care has revolutionized how people access treatment, providing timely and effective interventions that promote recovery and improve overall health. 

Benefits of Telehealth-Based Medication for Opioid Use Disorder

There are many benefits to receiving telehealth-based opioid addiction treatment, including accessibility, convenience and flexibility, privacy and affordability. 

1. Accessibility

Your access to in-person opioid treatment may be limited if you live in a remote or rural area, or if you live in an underserved, historically marginalized area where there’s a shortage of health care providers. 

Access can also be limited if you don’t have a car, you don’t drive or the bus near your home is inconsistent or unreliable. With virtual telehealth care, accessing care is not a barrier since you can attend appointments from anywhere, including in the comfort of your own home.

2. Convenience and Flexibility

Telehealth-based MOUD can be more convenient and flexible than in-person office visits. You may have a super busy schedule with multiple jobs, child care or caregiver responsibilities, and it might not be feasible to take a couple hours a day to commute to a clinic.

Virtual appointments enable you to schedule an appointment when it works for you, such as during your lunch break at work.

3. Privacy

Telehealth addiction treatment can offer more privacy, especially if you are concerned about stigma surrounding MOUD use. Sometimes, going to get MOUD in person means having to go to a clinic or facility where you might run into people you know, including coworkers or friends. 

Likewise, you may also have to walk through a parking lot or stand in line with people who are using drugs or who are trying to buy or sell drugs.

With telehealth-based MOUD, you can get more privacy and peace of mind.

4. Affordability

Telehealth MOUD can save you money on your medication. Not just because you stopped buying drugs, but also because telehealth often costs less than in-person addiction treatment. 

Inherent to the virtual care model, a treatment provider doesn’t have the brick-and-mortar expenses related to maintaining a physical location, such as rent and utilities. Telehealth also saves money and time because patients don’t have to take as much time off work or scramble to find someone for childcare.

What the Research Says

Over the past few years, research on telehealth-based MOUD has shown that this virtual model of care increases the likelihood of starting addiction treatment and staying in treatment. [1]

Telehealth reduces missed appointments, and most importantly, it reduces overdoses and fatalities from opioids. These research findings are likely driven by the benefits of virtual care: increased accessibility, convenience and flexibility, privacy, and cost savings.

  1. Mahmoud H, Naal H, Whaibeh E, Smith A. Telehealth-Based Delivery of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: a Critical Review of Recent Developments. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2022;24(9):375-386. doi:10.1007/s11920-022-01346-z

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